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AOP & ProcureAbility: 4 Ways Procurement Can Keep AI ‘Human-Centric’

The procurement industry is no stranger to the tectonic shifts AI has brought in recent years. Many organizations find it challenging to decipher the tasks that AI can improve and which tasks require human touch.

By applying a specific framework and repeatable processes, procurement professionals can develop a flexible model that clearly delineates the ideal relationship between human and AI-powered capabilities within the business—and helps identify the optimal division of labor between humans and AI.

"I am a strong believer in human-centered AI or HCAI models. I do feel AI becomes an enabler for procurement to do our job better."
- Darshan Deshmukh, President at ProcureAbility

Darshan Deshmukh, President at ProcureAbility, recommends using a four-pronged framework to create a flexible model:

  1. Identify the work that needs to be done
  2. Define goals and outcomes
  3. Break down the associated jobs and subtasks
  4. Assess required skills against the current capabilities

Explore the report to understand why procurement professionals should look at AI as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to leapfrog their contributions to the business by strategically augmenting, not replacing, their contributions with human-centric AI.

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