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Bold Procurement Predictions for 2030 Insights Series from ProcureAbility

The procurement industry is rapidly evolving with a vast array of technological solutions aimed at streamlining processes within organizations. The abundance of tools and services available to Chief Procurement Officers may seem overwhelming, but the procurement field is actively embracing innovation and change. Those who fail to adapt risk being left behind in this transformative era.

To better understand and navigate these developments, ProcureAbility is delighted to present its Bold Procurement Predictions for 2030 Insights series, providing insight into the new practices that are likely to become prevalent within this decade.

  • Bold Procurement Predictions for 2030: Methodology
    ProcureAbility assembled a team of experts to work on the problem, develop hypotheses, and offer thoughtful insights on emerging trends. They examined where the field is and where it is going in the near term and in the next decade.
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  • Bold Procurement Prediction #1: Advanced Crowdsourcing
    In this latest Insights, ProcureAbility explores Advanced Crowdsourcing, the first of five emerging trends that procurement organizations can expect to shift from the top of that pyramid to the bottom - concepts that may seem far-fetched today, but will become standard accepted practice by 2030.
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  • Bold Procurement Prediction #2: Procurement Technology Acceleration
    In this edition of the ‘Bold Procurement Predictions for 2030’ Insights series, the product of extensive research and input from a think tank of experts in the supply chain field–with a look at the rapid technology acceleration- is expected in the procurement practice by decade’s end. Chief Procurement Officers are already re-evaluating processes, with nearly one in four reporting that digital transformation is a strategic initiative in 2022.
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  • Bold Procurement Prediction #3: Cognitive Computing
    In this third chapter, ProcureAbility looks at the future of cognitive computing; a catchall term for a group of systems comprising of artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems, machine learning, robotic processing automation (RPA), and neural networks.
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  • Bold Procurement Prediction #4: Hyper Cybersecurity
    In this edition, ProcureAbility examines digital security and the threat of data breaches. Cyber-attacks frequently originate from outside the company’s firewall, with many breaches due to inadequate protections when allowing vendors and third parties access to portions of the network.
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  • Bold Procurement Prediction #5: Virtual Organizational Design
    For our final installment, we predict that by 2030 the center-led procurement model will have evolved to an entirely new level. Procurement organizations will consist of a core business unit, while 90 percent of operational sourcing roles will be automated or outsourced to contractors.
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Bold Predictions Summary

Check out the Bold Procurement Predictions for 2030 infographic for an overview of the five forwarding-looking insights from ProcureAbility

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