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Privacy Policy

What information does ProcureAbility collect on its website?

ProcureAbility does not collect any personal information from users browsing its website; they browse anonymously. Only aggregate data—such as the number of hits per page—is collected. Aggregate data is only used for internal and marketing purposes and does not provide any personally identifying information.

People who register for complimentary content or subscribe to newsletters are asked to submit basic contact information.

How does ProcureAbility use the information collected?

Aggregated data about traffic at our website is used to help us target our marketing efforts and refine the content on the website.

ProcureAbility uses data collected at our website from complimentary downloads only to support the delivery and administration of those items and for our own marketing efforts. Information about specific users is kept in strict confidence and is not delivered to any third parties.

We will won’t share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you.

How can you stop receiving email from us?

Each email sent contains an easy, automated way for you to unsubscribe from future emails from us. If you wish to do this, simply follow the unsubscribe instructions at the end of any email.

How does ProcureAbility handle concerns or complaints?

Any person concerned about any personal data that ProcureAbility might maintain is encouraged to contact us.