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Renaissance vs. Resistance: Embracing Human-Centric AI

AOP Live with Darshan Deshmukh, President at ProcureAbility

As new technologies emerge, people naturally respond based on their perspectives and past experiences. This is playing out in real-time with artificial intelligence (AI) being integrated into more technologies and business processes.

In the procurement field, reactions range from renaissance to resistance. According to Darshan Deshmukh, President at ProcureAbility, around 20-30 percent of procurement professionals are currently resistant. They fear AI's potential impact on their jobs and the rapid pace of change. While another 5-10 percent view AI's impact as a "renaissance" - a welcome opportunity to completely rethink their roles and impact.

The vast majority fall somewhere in between these two camps.

In this AOP Live session, Darshan discussed the human-centric aspects of AI and how procurement can actively shape the rapid changes occurring across nearly all industries. Topics include:

  • What 'human-centric' AI means
  • How effectively integrated AI can augment procurement efforts
  • Use cases showing additional results procurement can deliver